EECC Exam – UK Trainees

Information regarding the European Exam in Core Cardiology (EECC) for UK Trainee candidates

Why do I have to take the EECC?​

The EECC is a requirement for a CCT (Certificate of Completion of Training), which enables you to apply for consultant roles in the UK. The EECC is administered by the European Society of Cardiology, in conjunction with the UEMS Cardiology Section and the national cardiac societies. Since 2018, the exam sat by UK trainees contains 6 UK-specific questions relating to UK guidance and legislation. 

When can I take the EECC?

The exam is open only to cardiology trainees in recognised training programmes who will be in their third or later year of specialty training at the point they sit the exam. For those on the 2012 (amended 2016) curriculum this equates to your ST5 year and for those on the 2022 curriculum this equates to your ST6 year.  

For those who are planning to apply via the Portfolio Pathway route (previously known as CESR) it is advised that you take this examination after undertaking at least two years of dedicated cardiology experience. You will need to complete an application process including a confirmation statement from the Medical Director at the Trust where you work confirming that you are working towards a Portfolio Pathway application in the next three years, and intend to practice in the UK thereafter. Further information about the overall Portfolio Pathway application process can be found here.

To apply via the Portfolio Pathway (formerly CESR) visit here.

When is the next exam?

The next exam is on Tuesday 17 June 2025. The exam takes place online on one single day in a calendar year.  

How much does it cost?

It costs £535 to take the exam.

When do I apply?​

Registration usually opens in October. The registration closing date for the 2025 exam is to be confirmed. Please note registrations will not be accepted after the closing date.

How do I apply

There are several steps to complete: 

  • Set up a free online account with the European Society for Cardiology – this PowerPoint presentation shows how to do this. The ESC will then allocate you a Candidate ID number that you will use for this application. 
  • Once you have your ESC Candidate ID number you can register for the exam with the BCS. For this you will need to supply your email address, phone number, your ESC ID number, your NTD number (if a UK trainee – if you are a Portfolio Pathway candidate please go to the Portfolio Pathway page) and your GMC number. Registration will open soon. 
  • Please note that all communications from both BCS and ESC will be sent to the email address that you used to register for the exam, so please ensure that you are checking that specific email box and look out for emails relating to your exam 
What happens next?
  • In March, the ESC will send you a link to the Preparatory Course which includes sample questions
Taking the exam

Please prepare carefully for the exam and know exactly what you need to do. The ESC will send detailed instructions for you, please read this document very carefully.

When will I get my results?

Exam results are usually available by the beginning of July. You will be able to access a breakdown of your results on the ESC website portal.  

Cancellation policies and process​

A full refund, less £20 administration fee, will be issued for cancellations received in writing to [email protected] 8 weeks prior to the event and cancellations received after this date will not be refunded. You are not able to transfer your registration to someone else or defer the exam until next year. You will receive email acknowledgement when your request is received. 

For enquiries regarding the EECC, please contact us on [email protected]