
The Cardio-Renal-Metabolic (CaReMe) partnership (CaReMe UK) is a collaboration between five of the UK’s national professional societies focused on improving management of people with Cardiovascular, Renal and Metabolic Disorders. CaReMe UK was established in 2019 and brings together a panel of primary and secondary care experts from the British Cardiovascular Society, the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, the UK Kidney Association, the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society and the Primary Care Diabetes Society.

Our activities

Education – we are committed to increasing awareness of the common risk factors for cardio-renal-metabolic disease and shared management pathways; we deliver cross-cutting cardio-renal-metabolic education sessions at many of the annual conferences of our constituent societies; we work with relevant professional organisations to encourage inclusion of cardio-renal-metabolic disease in the training of healthcare practitioners.

Clinical Guidelines – we produce concise best-practice guidance to enable joined-up management of people with cardio-renal-metabolic disorders – bringing together recommendations from specialty guidelines; we respond to consultations on guideline updates or guidelines in development and relevant technology appraisals.

Collaboration and networking – we provide a platform to link together people working across the spectrum of cardio-renal-metabolic disease; we plan to host a national CaReMe meeting in 2025

Quality Improvement and Policy transformation – we facilitate sharing of best practice and work closely with NHS leaders; our aim is to help healthcare providers to deliver the best care possible to people with, or at risk of, cardio-renal-metabolic disorders to delay disease progression and prevent the development of complications.

Members of CaReMe

British Cardiovascular Society

Prof. Stephen Wheatcroft

(Chair of CaReMe UK)
Professor of Cardiometabolic Medicine University of Leeds/Consultant Cardiologist Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Association of British Clinical Diabetologists

Dr Dipesh Patel

Consultant in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Acute Medicine at Royal Free NHS Foundation trust, London

Prof. Umesh Dashora

Consultant in Endocrinology and Diabetes, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

UK Kidney Association

Prof. Indranil Dasgupta

Consultant nephrologist, Heartlands Hospital Birmingham, Professor of nephrology & hypertension, University of Warwick.

Dr Andrew Frankel

Consultant Nephrologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London.

Primary Care Cardiovascular Society

Prof. Raj Thakkar

GP Bourne End and Wooburn Green Medical Centre, and President of Primary Care Cardiovascular Society

Dr. Jim Moore

Primary Care Lead for the West of England Integrated Cardiac Clinical Network.

Primary Care Diabetes Society

Dr. Sarah Davies

GP Partner in Cardiff with special interest in Diabetes, Clinical Director for Diabetes in Primary Care for Cardiff and Vale UHB.

Professor Sam Seidu

Professor in Primary Care Diabetes and Cardio-metabolic Medicine, University of Leicester

Sign up to the CaReMe UK Network

CaReMe UK is committed to improving the lives of people with cardiovascular, renal and metabolic disorders by connecting people working across the spectrum of cardio-renal-metabolic disease. If you are a healthcare practitioner or researcher working in the field, you are invited to join the CaReMe UK Network. The CaReMe UK Network is a directory which allows us to share news of our activities and guidelines and to facilitate collaboration between healthcare providers and researchers across the UK. To join the CaReMe UK network, please email us at [email protected] with your name, role and place of work.