Abstracts & Awards
Submitting your abstract guarantees great visibility for your work and the opportunity to interact with an engaged audience.
Abstracts are reviewed by an expert panel and selected abstracts will be published in a special edition of our Heart Journal.

Abstracts can be submitted in the following categories and themes:
- Basic Science
- Clinical
- ACHD/valve disease/pericardial disease/cardiomyopathy
- Acute coronary syndromes & interventional cardiology
- *Allied Health Professionals/Nursing/Health Scientists
- Cardiac rhythm management
- Heart failure
- Imaging
- Stable IHD/prevention/hypertension/lipids
*New for 2025, and only applicable to submissions in the Allied Health Professionals/Nursing/Health Scientists theme, if your abstract is shortlisted to be presented as an oral presentation for Best of the Best or Moderated Abstracts, the BCS are pleased to announce that it can offer you the opportunity to apply for a travel grant (maximum of £100) to assist with your travel expenses only to the conference. Further details on how to apply for this travel grant will be sent to you if you are shortlisted.
The deadline for submitting Clinical abstracts has now passed and submissions are closed.
If your abstract is selected, in addition to being published in a special edition of our Heart Journal, these are the different presentation levels:
1. Best of the Best
The top 3 highest scoring abstracts from each of the 7 different clinical abstract themes will present their work at the BCS Conference where they will give an oral presentation in the ‘Best of the Best zone’ in the Education Hall. Based upon performance on the day, an overall winner will be selected and presented with a certificate and prize (£250) at the closing ceremony of the BCS Conference.
2. Moderated Abstracts
In addition to Best of the Best, and new for 2025, we would like to showcase the next top 6 highest scoring abstracts from each of the 7 clinical abstract categories. These abstracts will be presented as oral presentations at the end of the 90 minute sessions for each of the appropriate affiliated societies. For example, heart failure submissions will be presented at the end of the 90 minute British Society for Heart Failure session in the main conference programme.
There is no monetary prize for the moderated abstracts but in addition to having your work being published in Heart and receiving a certificate of recognition, presenters will have the added opportunity of presenting their work to a larger (and more focused) audience than is possible with moderated posters. Each presentation will be 5 minutes long and will include time for questions from the moderator. We expect that you will also show a poster of your abstract in the larger poster area in the main Education Hall so that all delegates can browse the posters throughout the conference. Further details on what will be required of you if selected will be sent to you.
3. Posters
We are delighted to maintain our regular and popular fixture at the conference with the welcoming sight of the hundreds of posters on display in the Education Hall. It is truly awe-inspiring to see the amount of incredible research going on. If your abstract is not selected for Best of the Best or Moderated Abstracts, we do still very much want to see your valuable work on full display at the conference. Do encourage your colleagues and delegates to read your work whilst at the conference.
- We cannot accept abstracts that have been accepted for publication elsewhere at the time of submission and the abstract should not have been presented at other conferences as well (also known as Encore Abstracts).
- If your abstract is accepted it will be published online with Heart/BMJ. Please note that if your abstract is published in Heart/BMJ it cannot be published with another online publication. If your abstract is accepted but you would prefer to have your abstract accepted at another conference, then you will be required to inform the BCS in advance at your very earliest opportunity. The BCS can then try to make arrangements to withdraw your abstract so that you do not incur the 3 year ban from the BCS abstract submission process.
- Only the Presenting author of the abstract can present at the conference, you cannot co-present with another co-author even if the work has been equally split.
- If there is a change in Presenting Author please email [email protected] informing of the change
- Once an abstract is fully submitted, it cannot be edited and no further changes can be made.
- Please make sure that all information is correctly entered during the submission process as we are unable to make any further changes after it has been submitted.
- Please make sure that you upload a word version of your abstract during the submission process, as this will be used for admin purposes.
- Please fully submit your abstract through the portal otherwise it cannot be accepted.
- If your abstract is accepted for the conference you must produce a poster to display continuously throughout the 3-day meeting. Each poster must be non-fabric, A0 in size, 841mm (height) X 1189mm (width) and should be in landscape mode. A conflict of interest statement must be clearly indicated on each poster. If you have no conflict of interest please state ‘No conflict of interest’.
- All abstract poster presentations at the BCS Conference are regarded as standard poster presentations. Only presentations in the ‘Best of the Best’ and Moderated Abstracts are regarded as Oral presentations, as they are presented with a PowerPoint presentation.
- All abstract presenters receive complimentary registration to the BCS Conference. Once your abstract has been accepted, Please register yourself through our conference registration as an ‘Abstract Presenter’.
- **Please note that if you have already registered for the BCS Conference, under a different category you do not need to register again if you are presenting an abstract.
- If you require a letter of support from BCS for your visa application, please download this form and complete the necessary details and return back to [email protected] at your earliest convenience, so that a letter can then be generated for you. Please ensure that you allow sufficient time when applying for a visa and requesting a support letter from BCS. Please note that once the letter has been issued by the BCS, it is the responsibility of the individual delegate to make the necessary arrangements with the relevant authority (British Embassy/High Commission/Visa Consulate) and follow up if necessary for a response. BCS does not have the jurisdiction to expedite matters with the relevant authority.
- Please note that if you are not a member of BCS and need to submit multiple abstracts in the same category, please add +1 to the end of your email address for your second submission. E.g. [email protected] should be changed to [email protected] for a second submission and +2 for the third and so on depending on how many you are submitting.”
BCS Awards
Each year, the BCS presents the following awards and prizes at the Annual Conference’s Networking Reception, Closing Ceremony and BCS President’s Dinner.
Mackenzie Medal
The Mackenzie Medal is awarded by the society in recognition of outstanding service to British Cardiology. Two medals are given out each year. The 2024 recipients were: Dr. Edward Rowland and Prof. David Wood
BCS/BHF/BAS/BSCR Young Investigator Award
This award was established by the society in 2001 to recognise excellence among young researchers intending to pursue a career in cardiovascular clinical medicine or research. The prize is currently £1,500 for the winner and £500 for runners up. The award is sponsored by the British Cardiovascular Society, British Heart Foundation (BHF), British Atherosclerosis Society (BAS) and British Society for Cardiovascular Research (BSCR).
If you would like to be considered, please read our guidance on YIA submission before applying.
The winner of the YIA for 2024 was: Dr. Aish Sinha
2024 Runner-Ups
- Dr. Dario Sesia
- Dr. Ashwin Roy
- Dr. Kathryn McGurk
- Dr. Nasser Alshahrani
*Please note that if your submission for the Young Investigator Award is rejected, then it is not automatically entered into the clinical or basic science abstract submission process. It is advised that you submit this separately in the abstract submission process.
The deadline for submitting for the YIA is 23:59, Sunday 9 March 2025.
Michael Davies Early Career Award
This award honours researchers who have recently established themselves as independent investigators and who have made an outstanding contribution to cardiovascular science. It is open for applications from clinicians and non-clinicians who have an affiliation with a UK institution. The prize is currently £1,500 and a certificate. The award is sponsored by the British Heart Foundation (BHF).
If you would like to be considered, please read our guidance on MDECA submission before applying. We encourage applicants who have previously been unsuccessful to re-apply. The 2024 award recipient was: Prof. Eylem Levelt
The deadline for submitting for the MDECA is 23:59, Sunday 9 March 2025.
Abstracts Archive
The 2024 BOTB winners and runner-ups
ACHD/valve disease/pericardial disease/cardiomyopathy
Winner: Dr Ishika Prachee
Runner up: Dr Raghav Bhatia
Runner up: Dr Daniel Hammersley
Acute coronary syndromes & Interventional Cardiology
Winner: Dr Sara Khalid
Runner up: Mr Adam Sturge
Runner up: Miss Abeer Zahid
Allied Health Professionals/Nursing/Health Scientists
Winner: Dr Anvesha Singh
Runner up: Mr Andrew Fletcher
Runner up: Ms Hannah Waterhouse
Cardiac Rhythm Management
Winner: Dr Hnin Zaw
Runner up: Mr Adam Sturge
Runner up: Dr Pok-Tin Tang
Heart Failure
Winner: Mr Hugo MacGowan
Runner up: Dr Sam Brown
Runner up: Dr Daniel Hammersley
Winner: Dr Wasim Javed
Runner up: Dr Richard Crawley
Runner up: Dr Tom Newman
Stable IHD/Prevention/Hypertension/Lipids
Winner: Dr Ramesh Nadarajah
Runner up: Dr Angad Kooner
Runner up: Dr Sushant Saluja
View the 2024 BCS Annual Conference Abstracts Online
- ACHD/Valve disease/Pericardial disease/Cardiomyopathy
- Acute coronary syndromes & interventional cardiology
- Allied health professionals/Nursing/Health scientists
- Cardiac rhythm management
- Heart failure
- Imaging
- Stable IHD/Prevention/Hypertension/Lipids
- Basic science
- BCS-BHF-BAS-BSCR Young Investigator Award
- Author index